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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 Ben E. King-Stand By Me

Ben E. King-Stand By Me

1. stand by 支持; 幫助
No matter what happens , I ’ll stand by you , so don ' t be afraid. 不管發生什麼事我一定支持你,所以你不用害怕。

2. tumble-跌倒;墜落
Ben tumbled down while he was flying a kite. He tripped over by his shoelaces.

3. crumble-粉碎,弄碎
Lily crumbled an empty snail shell in her fingers.

Mike will not shed tears in front of people, he thinks it’s embarrassing.

每日一句 Idiom Of The Day
After supper walk a mile. 飯後三百步,不用開藥鋪。
Sammie always takes a walk after 7 o’clock. “After supper walk a mile” that’s her secret of being healthy and happy.
Sammie 總是在七點之後散步。「飯後三百步,不用開藥鋪」,那就是她健康快樂的秘密。