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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 U2 / Mary J. Blige - One

U2 / Mary J. Blige - One

1. blame-責備,指責
Sorry, I am the one who ate your cake, blame it on me.

2. disappoint-失望
Jenny didn’t show up in Kenny’s birthday party, he was very disappointed.

3. temple-神殿,聖堂,寺廟
There is a Buddhist temple in this town.

4. hurt-傷害;傷痛
The massage made the hurt go away, so Jenny felt relaxed.

每日一句 Idiom Of The Day
Share and share alike. 有福同享,有難同當。
Nick and Scott are buddies, they share and share alike. Nothing can change or replace their friendship.
Nick 和史考特是好哥兒們,他們有福同享,有難同當。沒有任何事物可以改變或取代他們的友誼。