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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 Coco Lee-A Love Before Time

Coco Lee-A Love Before Time

1. dust-灰塵,塵土
Kenny didn’t do the clean up for weeks, so his room was covered with dust.

2. cycle-循環;週期
The seasons of the year make a cycle.

3. disappear-消失,不見
All at once Phil disappeared, and then we found him in the lobby.

4. rise-上升;升起
The sun is rising and shining all over the mountain.

每日一句 Idiom Of The Day
Cut your coat according to your cloth. 量身裁衣。(量力而為、三思而後行。)
Ian didn’t have enough money, but he wanted to buy a new car. He tried to borrow money from Lucy, but Lucy told him “Cut your coat according to your cloth”. If Ian didn’t have enough money, he’d better cancel this idea.