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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 OK GO-The Writing's On The Wall

OK GO-The Writing's On The Wall

1. writing-書寫;寫作
Mary can’t tell her feeling well, so she puts her thoughts in writing.

2. fall apart-破碎; 散開
Tim’s car is falling apart, because he has never maintained it.

3. pleasure-愉快;滿足
Peggy finds great pleasure in reading .

4. forever-永遠
My grandma passed away 5 years ago, but she lives in my heart forever.

每日一句 Idiom Of The Day
Habit is second nature. 習慣成自然
Kevin used to be a heavy smoker, but when he realized that smoking was damaging his body, he quit it right away. Habit is second nature, we should quit bad habit for good.