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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 Selena-Dreaming of you

Selena-Dreaming of you

1. stay up-不睡覺,熬夜
Neo stayed up last night, because he wanted to watch his favorite TV show.

2. nowhere-沒有什麼地方、任何地方
There is nowhere in the world more comfortable than my home. East or West home is the best.

3. courage-膽量,勇氣
Peter didn’t have the courage to tell his mother that he had failed in the exam .
Peter 沒有勇氣告訴母親他考試不及格。

Jenny locked herself in the room, she wanted to be alone.

每日一句 Idiom Of The Day
If you'd be loved, be worthy to be loved. ----Ovid
要得到別人的愛,就必須要有值得愛的地方。 ---奧維德(古羅馬詩人)

Ted loved Sarah secretly for months, he didn’t have the courage to tell her his feeling. His friend told him “If you'd be loved, be worthy to be loved”, Ted decided to be a better man.