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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 Katy Perry- Teenage Dream

Katy Perry- Teenage Dream

1. teenage-青少年時期、十幾歲的
Recently, George has become a rebel boy, he is going through the teenage years.

2. fort-堡壘,要塞
The man in the fort surrendered to the enemy.

3. puzzle-拼圖、謎題
Peter is good at doing crossword puzzles, he can fill out those blanks correctly without thinking.
Peter 對拼字謎題很在行,他可以不用思考就正確的把空格填滿。

4. complete-完整的;全部的
Jeremy gave me the complete guest list, and asked me to memorize it in one night.

每日一句 Idiom Of The Day
Two heads are better than one. 三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮。
Teacher gave us a topic and asked us to prepare a presentation, we can choose to do it alone, or with a team. Henry, Claire and I decided to team up, we thought “Two heads are better than one”