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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 Four Tops / Reach Out I’ll Be There

Four Tops / Reach Out I’ll Be There

1. confusion 困惑
ex: Is it something wrong about my speech? That woman kept looking at me with confusion.

2. illusion 幻覺
ex: Do I really look thinner in jeans? Or it’s just my illusion.
我穿牛仔褲看起來真的更瘦了嗎? 還是這只是我的幻覺。

3. comfort 安慰
ex: I try really hard to comfort her, but I don’t know what to say.

4. cherish 珍惜
ex: I will cherish you and take care of you.

週一 凌晨2:00、早上6:00、晚上8:45
週二 凌晨2:00、晚上8:45
週三 早上6:00、晚上8:45
週四 凌晨2:00、晚上8:45
週五 早上6:00、晚上8:45
週六 凌晨2:00、早上8:00、晚上9:00
週日 凌晨2:00、早上6:00、早上8:00、晚上9:00