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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 Shirley Bassey / I Owe It All To You

Shirley Bassey / I Owe It All To You

1. wing 翅膀
ex: She devotes her lifetime to wildlife conservation.

2. audience 聽眾、觀眾
ex: My grandfather kept those shirts for some sentimental reasons.

3. center stage 舞台中心 (成為焦點、擔任要職)
ex: I am not going to take the credit. This honor goes to my friend. She should take the center stage.
我可不想居功唷! 這份榮耀是屬於我朋友的,她才應該成為焦點。

4. bread 麵包
ex: I really love bread and I always eat a lot. Maybe this is the reason I gain weight?

週一 凌晨2:00、早上6:00、晚上8:45
週二 凌晨2:00、晚上8:45(首播)
週三 早上6:00、晚上8:45
週四 凌晨2:00、晚上8:45(首播)
週五 早上6:00、晚上8:45
週六 凌晨2:00、早上8:00、晚上9:00
週日 凌晨2:00、早上6:00、早上8:00、晚上9:00