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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 Charlene / I’ve Never Been To Me

Charlene / I’ve Never Been To Me

1. curse 詛咒、咒罵
ex: I really don’t like him, but I won’t curse him. Bad words could cause the bad karma.

2. discontented不滿的
ex: She is discontented with her life.

3. run out of 用完、耗盡
ex: My car is running out of gas. Let’s go find the gas station.

4. weary 疲倦、疲憊的
ex: Even though you are smiling, you still can’t hide your weary eyes.

週一 凌晨2:00、早上6:00、晚上8:45
週二 凌晨2:00、晚上8:45
週三 早上6:00、晚上8:45
週四 凌晨2:00、晚上8:45
週五 早上6:00、晚上8:45
週六 凌晨2:00、早上8:00、晚上9:00
週日 凌晨2:00、早上6:00、早上8:00、晚上9:00